3PB Direct

The law in England and Wales protects you from being discriminated against because of who you are. When you feel that you’ve been treated unfairly on the basis of your gender, sexual orientation or age for example, you may want guidance from an expert to see whether you have recourse under the law to put the situation right. Or you may have decided that you do want to progress a discrimination claim and be looking for the right barrister to support you through the process.

3PB’s employment barristers are experts in dealing with discrimination issues and claims under The Equality Act 2010 from giving some initial advice and guidance, right through to representing clients in Employment Tribunals, County Courts, the High Court, and in the Appellate Courts all over the country.

Our experienced barristers know that these are likely to be sensitive and upsetting issues for you and your loved ones and work hard to be approachable and professional. They’ll always give you straight answers and clear guidance as to your chances of success, best course of action and provide regular updates as to progress with your case.

There are nine protected characteristics in the Equality Act. Discrimination which happens because of one or more of these characteristics is unlawful under the Act. They are:

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage or civil partnership (in employment only)
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation.

At 3PB our barristers know that life is rarely simple. If your discrimination claim concerns your place of employment it may be directly, indirectly, by victimisation, by harassment, by failing to make reasonable adjustment – or by discrimination arising from disability. It may be in connection with equal pay for male and female workers.

Extensive experience and knowledge across the whole span of employment issues means that the team at 3PB team will be able to deal with your claim even where it may be linked to other types of claim – such as unfair dismissal or whistleblowing claims.

For help and advice please contact Russell Porter on +44 (0)3333 231 586 or email us.

Frequently asked questions

A claim for discrimination must be brought within 3 months (less a day) of the discriminatory event. Claims outside of the three month period may be accepted if the tribunal considers that it is just and equitable to do so or alternatively, where it forms part of a continuing act of discrimination. Legislation provides for […]

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How to instruct a barrister

Our experienced team of specially-trained clerks make instructing a 3PB Direct barrister simple. Watch our video for a step-by-step guide on how to work with us to achieve a resolution to your legal issue.

We’ll be here every step of the way to support and guide you through the legal challenges at hand.

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Discrimination Barristers


Craig Ludlow

Lawyer since 2002

Karen Moss

Lawyer since 2002

Katherine Anderson

Lawyer since 2005

Matthew Curtis

Lawyer since 2006

Simon Tibbitts

Lawyer since 2006

Stephen Wyeth

Lawyer since 2010

Joseph England

Lawyer since 2011

Daniel Brown

Lawyer since 2012