I’ve been an education barrister since 1974 so have a wealth of experience and expertise. I routinely accept direct access instructions from individuals and schools, academies and colleges/universities and I’m also able to advise and support independent lay panels dealing with a wide range of educational issues.
I represent parents, pupils, schools and their governing bodies (both from the maintained and the independent sectors), academies, universities and colleges, NGOs including charities, students, teaching and academic staff and local authorities in education law.
I frequently advise on matters relating to education and disability, and am highly sought after by educational institutions in both the private and public sectors. In relation to schools and academies, I have particular expertise in Appeals to the first-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability) (‘SEND Tribunal’) concerning statements of special education needs and education-related disability discrimination claims at all levels, including but not limited to SEND Tribunal proceedings and Independent Review Panel proceedings within the context of school exclusions. I’ve handled a large number of highly complex, complicated and difficult cases in the Special Education Needs (SEN) Tribunal including Upper Tribunal Appeals arising from decisions of the SEND Tribunal.
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