3PB Direct

Related legal services

If you would like to know more please have a look at the following related services pages or get in touch

If a condition of your contract has been breached, you may be able to terminate the contract by ‘repudiation’ and claim compensation for the loss you have suffered. If the breach of contract is a breach of a warranty, compensation is by damages alone. Damages are used to put the claimant back in the position they would have been if the terms of the contract had been met as agreed. You will be entitled to ‘liquidated damages’ if the contract specifies that an amount should be paid if the one side breaks the contract. These clauses are often found in manufacturing and building contracts, which often include penalty clauses for late completion of work.

For help and advice please contact Phil Alden on 03333 231 586 or email us.

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    How to instruct a barrister

    Our experienced team of specially-trained clerks make instructing a 3PB Direct barrister simple. Watch our video for a step-by-step guide on how to work with us to achieve a resolution to your legal issue.

    We’ll be here every step of the way to support and guide you through the legal challenges at hand.

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